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[Linux] Leave a crontab run log 본문


[Linux] Leave a crontab run log

마음이파파 2017. 6. 23. 04:16

To record an error, do the following.

1. Create an empty file.

$ vi naver_blog_cron.log


2. Press esc. Press :wq to save.



3. Modify the file permissions.

$ chmod 777 naver_blod_cron.log


Modify the crontab.

$ crontab -e


5. Enter your schedule. and  >> Type the log file path after.

45 * * * * /var/www/cron/naver_blog_cron.sh >> /var/www/log/naver_blog_cron.log 2>&1


[Operating time] [Operating file] >> [Log file path] 2>&1

6. Press esc. Press :wq to save.



7. Check the crontab list.

$ crontab -l


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